
About panogate-admin

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So far panogate-admin has created 20 blog entries.

A Project for Schools: Plastic Cycles, Stiftung Bildung

A Project for Schools: Plastic Cycles Stiftung Bildung "Knowledge – action – participation." Young people want to understand how the world works. They ask a lot of questions and like to search for answers themselves. What is plastic and why do we need it? Is a world without a garbage problem even possible? How can educational methods at schools and kindergarten already influence the awareness on how to treat our planet better? For well over 500 children at elementary schools and day-care centers in Germany, the topic of plastic and handling plastic has been at the forefront of their agenda for several months now. They established theatre and upcycling projects, as well as environmental groups. Not only in the educational environment but also within children's families. In accordance with the support associations at their institutions, they all applied with their different project ideas as part of the program "A plastic cycle: your ideas - our common future". The Röchling Foundation and the donation organization Stiftung Bildung set up the fund at the end of 2018 in order to reach children directly at the educational locations and promote a responsible and creative approach regarding plastic. . [...]

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