Act on Plastic: It’s on!
In a joint initiative, Soulbottles, Project Together and the Röchling Foundation are looking nationwide for startups and young initiatives with promising ideas and solutions for less plastic waste in nature.
The aim is to sustainably strengthen the participating initiatives in a multi-stage support program. In the first, six-month phase, experienced coaches will help to further develop the solutions presented. Participants will have access to the initiators’ expert network, workshops and webinars. During the second phase the best ones receive scholarships in order to bring their solutions to the market.
Up until September 30th, initiatives and start-ups with promising solutions were able to apply for the nationwide challenge “Act on Plastic”. 180 interesting applications were turned in upon deadline. The partners are very pleased with the high turnback and are looking forward to the the upcoming Phase I.
For further information please visit: www.actonplastic.de