The Röchling Foundation is committed to plastics and the environment. It supports both research projects and civil society initiatives that contribute to the responsible use of plastics in the sense of a sustainable circular economy. The Röchling Foundation does not see itself as a mere investment partner, but is fundamentally active in establishing new, cross-sector collaborations and networks. In addition, the Foundation also initiates its own activities that contribute to a holistic understanding and integrated solutions to the global challenge of plastics and the environment. The Röchling Foundation was established in 1990 by the Röchling family who is also the owner of the Röchling Group, one of the leading international suppliers of high-performance plastics for automotive technology, industrial applications, and medical technology. By offering customized consulting services, from research to strategy design and implementation, WIDER SENSE helps businesses and foundations to effectively shape social change. In May 2015, Wider Sense was certified as a B Corporation. In recent years, WIDER SENSE has built up expertise in CSR, philanthropy, and social investment, and has developed a global network of strategic partners. Thanks to its international outreach and multidisciplinary team, WIDER SENSE has worked with more than 100 clients on projects in more than 30 countries, who have contributed funds in excess of EUR 100 million directly toward fostering social change. 55