POLYPROBLEM report: The Circularity Code

POLYPROBLEM: Knowledge. Transparency. Cooperation POLYPROBLEM is a joint initiative of the non-profit Röchling Foundation and the consulting firm Wider Sense. Under the same name, the initiators published a study in 2019 that came to the sobering conclusion that despite lively public interest in the growing problem of environmental pollution caused by plastic waste, a global agenda is still not in sight. What’s more, there is little continuous, comprehensive, or scientifically sound information on the issue. Together with businesses, foundations, NGOs, the science community, and policy makers, POLYPROBLEM aims to close this gap and encourage cutting edge innovations for a plastic waste-free environment. POLYPROBLEM works with scientists and practitioners to publish reports on the latest developments and most pressing questions surrounding plastics and the environment on a regular basis. Our aim is to provide more clarity, more transparency, and better orientation in complex fields of action, but also to shed light on startling facts or aspects that have not yet been brought to attention. www.polyproblem.org 54