POLYPROBLEM report: The Circularity Code

22 waste banks, and two recyclers have been trained to use the digital tools and some 10 tons of plastics have been collected and marketed as part of the project.50 Other promising examples of integrated supply chain management and marketplace applications include Recykal from India (see box) and the KOLEKT app for trading recyclable waste (see interview with Thierry Sanders). For Plastic Bank, the most important takeaway from the PREVENT project was the need to build more on informal structures that already exist locally: “The structures simply need to be better linked with each other, and this is where we increasingly see our role in the future. For us, it’s not worth our time to open separate waste banks for each new location. Instead, we now approach more local businesses directly to offer cooperation,” says Peter Nitschke. 50 PREVENT Waste Alliance (2023) (1) Not just for but together with waste pickers. When developing the KOLEKT app, Circular Action sourced knowledge and needs from future users. 38