Berlin.31 In the case of Villach, chips with identification numbers were attached to designated garbage cans which not only allow data being assigned to the 450 households voluntarily participating in the pilot project, but the waste disposal companies can also receive direct feedback on their waste disposal through an app.32 In the long term, such waste monitoring and the transparent provision of corresponding analyses could offer opportunities to contribute to a sustainable improvement in separation behavior by providing more target group-specific information and education campaigns, with the prospect of lowering disposal costs for participants with an outstanding trash separating record. One of the challenges the nationwide introduction of such systems faces is regional differences which are not only a concern for waste disposal companies, but also for waste producers, because some places provide three different containers for recyclable packaging waste while others make do with only one. Anyone who’s travelled abroad has probably seen for themselves that there are multiple different separation methods. In addition to providing information to educate the public, it is also important to avoid unnecessary complexity and focus on user-friendly solutions. This applies above all to places where waste separation has to be particularly quick and reliable, e.g., shopping areas, railroad platforms, or just before boarding an airplane. 30 Wilson et al. (2021), p. 30 31 BSR (2023), S. 11; Goldschald (2021), p. 3 32 Goldschald (2021), p. 3 Source: see Ott (2023), p. 11 Digital value creation process for optimizing routes and separation rates ─ Forwarding fill level information via sensors to waste disposal companies ─ Collecting information on individual separation behavior using reusable materials scanners ─ Reading and processing the data ─ Computing an optimized route ─ Process improvement ─ Evaluating the failure rate ─ Transmitting data to vehicles ─ Improving your personal waste separation rate An information triple jump Collecting Processing Transmitting 33