POLYPROBLEM report: The Circularity Code

waste products or residual quantities can be offered for sale and the seller can negotiate the price and transportation costs with recyclers. The Cyrkl marketplace uses innovative technologies, data analysis, and machine learning to link supply and demand and provide advice on the circular economy and legislation in order to not only reduce waste and disposal costs, but also to recycle in sensible ways.11 Resourcify also offers a tool to create a complete waste report that you can forward to the relevant authorities. “Until now, most companies did it by hand, having to search through numerous folders for filed weighing slips in order to once a year create an overview of all types of waste down to the last detail. What used to be a tedious job will in the future be done at the touch of a button using accurate data. The data can in turn be used to identify optimization potentials at any time,” Lessau proudly explains. In view of new, stricter reporting obligations, such as those under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive that has been in force in the European Union since January 2023, waste-related data on material flows, recovery routes, and recycling rates have become increasingly important for the sustainability assessment of businesses.12 In view of the global scale of the plastic waste crisis, such data, which will have to be collected and published in the future to comply with such regulatory frameworks, is particularly relevant to help stem the tide of plastic waste. Just like so-called corporate plastic waste disclosure approaches, to which some businesses have already committed, they not only create transparency with regard to investor risks and provide comparability for consumers, but also provide policymakers with the information they need to derive effective measures and create incentives to promote a more sustainable use of plastics.13 11 EU-Recycling Magazin (2021) 12 European Parliament and Council of the European Union (2022), art. 29b (2) (a) iv) 13 PREVENT Waste Alliance (2023) (3), p. 3, 11 Screenshots Cyrkl 28