POLYPROBLEM report: The Circularity Code

Source: mylittleplasticfootprint My Little Plastic Footprint-App ReDo-Plattform “We want to enable people to make their voices heard, because in the long term, we want to achieve a shift from individual responsibility to producer responsibility,” explains Jennifer Timrott. In addition to the app, the organization also provides education and organizes informational campaigns. “It is important to us to teach young people about the many dimensions of the plastic crisis and to inspire them to choose reusable and plastic-free packaging options.” Another service that takes a participatory approach is ReDo, which will soon offer users a participatory platform on the path to plastic alternatives. On the online platform, users can submit sustainable redesign ideas for existing packaging in the form of profile descriptions, which other users in the ReDo community can interactively vote on and make suggestions to further explore the idea. At the end of the process, the platform operators will be able to contact businesses and manufacturers with alternative suggestions for packaging designs. ReplacePlastic-App Source: ReDo Source: ReplacePlastic 19